Science, law and mass torts are increasingly intersecting and driving change. The cancer research and medical communities are currently at the height of their conferences and workshop seasons, with recently completed and upcoming cancer conferences all over the US and indeed the world. In 2017, the medical and scientific data from 2016 will increasingly move into asbestos litigation. Looking ahead to the 2017 legal conferences, science will be receive significant attention at the ACI’s 22nd National Forum on Asbestos Claims & Litigation, held annually in Philadelphia, with this year’s conference to be held January 12-13, 2017 at the Union League Club. The full agenda is pasted below. The science focused portions are as follows:
Lung cancer and asbestos and a closer look at the science behind it
Key updates in take home and bystander exposure cases including new case law in CA-Havner and Kesner
Mesothelioma: latest trends, genetic components, meso gene theory, idiopathic cases/minimal exposure, filings by younger females, emerging types of mesos, and more
Scientific and legal developments (including the Georgia Supreme Court decision-Scapa Dryber) related to the single fiber/any exposure/each and every exposure theory
Overall, this year’s agenda will includes insights and comprehensive updates for events expected before the end of this year, such as the pending California Supreme Court cases. The full agenda is pasted below, along with a discount code and registration information:
Insurer-counsel-insured relationships: strategy between client, carrier, national counsel, and local counsel
State by state survey of hotbed jurisdictions: IL, PA, CA, MO, NY and key filing trends
Fallout surrounding bankruptcy trust transparency
Lung cancer and asbestos and a closer look at the science behind it
Key updates in take home and bystander exposure cases including new case law in CA-Havner and Kesner
Mesothelioma: latest trends, genetic components, meso gene theory, idiopathic cases/minimal exposure, filings by younger females, emerging types of mesos, and more
Scientific and legal developments (including the Georgia Supreme Court decision-Scapa Dryber) related to the single fiber/any exposure/each and every exposure theory
Reviewing the recent uptick in talc cases: litigating claims involving products containing talc (industrial, cosmetic) and determining how the increase in ovarian cancer claims factors into these
The bare metal defense
Insurance coverage issues: loss portfolio, retroactive reinsurance, legacy liabilities, long tail losses, trigger, allocation, successor rights, after mergers, and more
Motion to dismiss filings after the Daimler decision on personal jurisdiction
Medicare language releases for asbestos litigation
Punitive damages in asbestos litigation
Voir dire in asbestos litigation
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