The global spread of litigation is increasing, and so are the indicators of even more litigation ahead. Examples keep popping up in India. For example, this past October, the Time of India ran a story on judicial and administrative proceedings aimed at obtaining compensation for former asbestos mine workers. This morning there is a Times of India story on the former asbestos mine workers preparing to stage protests regarding the absence of reports on results from health screenings undertaken by a government mining agency.
Indicators of how, when and why tort litigation will grow are laid out in a chapter I wrote for a 2004 comparative law book on business law. The chapter is on-line here, and is titled: What to Expect as the American Asbestos Litigation Industry Moves into Europe. The article draws and extrapolates to other countries some principles laid out by Professor Steven Yeazell in his wonderful 2002 article tracing the growth of the American litigation industry. All signs indicate more asbestos litigation ahead around the globe.