The Internet continues as a powerful force for linking up some persons with mesothelioma and some plaintiff’s lawyers. According to the blog post here, "mesothelioma settlement" is the highest priced phrase on Google AdWords. The blog post links to source blogs. Some years back, rumor had it that some defense people began doing click throughs to create expenses for plaintiff’s firms.
"Markus Allen posted, what will be, a monthly report documenting the most expensive keywords you can by on Google AdWords.
Leading that keyword list this month, according to the Google AdWords Keyword tool include keywords in the category of mesothelioma, asbestos, annuity and auto donation.
For example, [mesothelioma settlement] goes for $142.67 and [auto donation] goes for $84.51. The chart also shows how much the cost per click increased or decreased from the previous month. The [mesothelioma settlement] increased over 3% whereas [asbestos attorney] dropped about 1% in cost.
For the full list of the most expensive keywords on Google AdWords see the blog."