Asbestos litigation is increasingly global. For example, a news report indicates that a mesothelioma suit filed in Pittsburgh recently was sent to a court in Brazil. According to the article:
"In Untura v. Alcoa, Judge R. Stanton Wettick ruled in favored of Alcoa’s motion to have the court venue in Brazil, both for expense and expeditiousness reasons. Judge Wettick ordered Alcoa to submit jurisdiction to the Brazilian courts, and said the company cannot raise any statute-of-limitation defenses against any case the plaintiffs file within the next year. The underlying case involves the estate of Dante Untura Filho, who worked at a factory in Pocos de Caldas, Brazil, from 1970 until 1987. The factory was owned by Alcoa Aluminio, of which Alcoa is a 60 percent owner."